Transmission Tuner

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Contact Information

Thank you for taking the time to read this page.  The best way to reach me when you are in the research stage of a project is by email, you can email me through my contact form and I can email you back a lot of really good information that is more specific to the project you are considering.

I understand most people would rather call, but I simply cannot spend 45 minutes or more with every potential customer that calls, and that is the equivalent of the amount of information I can send in an emailed sales article that is specific to the swap you are considering. My phone line is reserved for people that have already paid for products and services - those are the only people I will talk to on the phone for hours if needed. 

#1 Priority - Customers:

If you are a customer (someone who has purchased products or services - not someone who is still thinking about it) you are a higher priority to me than making another sale.  Even so, if you call and do not leave a message do not expect me to call you back.  Even though I do have caller id, when a person does not leave a message I assume they are going to be difficult to get a hold of and they will try calling me back later. 

I always call back current customers if they leave a message.  If you are not able to answer, I will leave a message.  If you have to leave me another message, let me know a good time to call you back and I will do my best to call you at that time.  The work I do requires some concentration - so yes, I do ignore the phone sometimes - numbers I don't recognize especially.  I can guarantee that you do not want me getting interrupted every 5 minutes when I am working on your stuff LOL !!!  Most people understand and are rewarded for their patience.  Email is the best way to make an appointment, ask a quick question or give me feedback.

Days Off (Closed and not in the office)

I do keep a flexible work schedule in order to best serve my customers, however that can lead to working all the time- so I do try to take a few days off now and then.  I always take Sundays off, and generally speaking, I also take Saturday off or work on development projects, however if you make an appointment I will be happy to work with you on Saturdays or later in the evening.  Days off and after 5:30ish are generally family time- so don't expect to reach me on the phone and don't expect me to call you back.  I may surprise you if the situation is terribly urgent and can be solved quickly, but that is my decision - please leave a message or send details via email.  I don't always check messages or emails on days off, but sometimes do.  If you are a current customer, and you are planning to take a long trip or do some urgent work while I am unreachable, let me know ahead of time and I will be sure to check my messages and emails on my days off if possible.  If I cannot check messages, I will let you know.  I also try to give active customers a heads up when I will be taking a day off, but if you haven't worked with me in a while, it's best to check in with me a few days before you need my help, or if you are registered for the forum, see the forum thread Jason's days off.